There are several reasons for this error and below we will consider each of the reasons in detail. With such a range of accepted file types, it’s surprising and frustrating when QuickTime can’t open a file. One of the major benefits of Apple’s patented media player, QuickTime, is that it’s free and supports basic video file types. If that happens, your app won't open the file or won't play back its audio or video." - Official developer Apple "Older or specialized media formats might not work in your app, because the format requires software designed to support it. This post shows how to convert video to QuickTime and vice versa. But those who expect greater functionality from their media players might find that, occasionally, their QuickTime Player won’t work when trying to open different file types. How to convert MOV to MP4 free Whether you just want to convert MP4 to MOV files or want to convert QuickTime to MP4, you can try QuickTime converters, for instance, MiniTool MovieMaker. Most Mac users are happy using the basic programs pre-installed on the operating system, such as Music, QuickTime Player, and iCloud Drive. If you are a QuickTime 6 Pro user, see this article: before proceeding with this installation.QuickTime Player Not Working When Trying to Open Files Installing QuickTime 7 or later will disable the QuickTime Pro functionality in prior versions of QuickTime, such as QuickTime 6. If installed on other versions of Windows, it may not offer full functionality. QuickTime 7 is for use with Windows Vista or Windows 7. If you still need this legacy plug-in, you can add it back using the custom setup option in the installer. Home Products Products Star Products ♺ny Video Converter Free ♺ny Video Converter Ultimate ♺ny Video Converter Pro.

The QuickTime web browser plug-in is no longer installed by default and is removed if you have a previous version of QuickTime on your PC. QuickTime Video Converter is an ideal QuickTime Converter that converts QuickTime to AIV, QuickTime to WMV, QuickTime to MPEG, QuickTime to MKV, QuickTime to FLV, QuickTime to 3GP, etc. For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website. Browse for the MOV file and then use that option to choose an output format. This is accomplished through VLC's Media > Convert / Save menu option. Even the VLC media player program mentioned above, which can open MOV files, can also convert them to formats like MP4. QuickTime 7.7.9 contains security updates and is recommended for all QuickTime 7 users on Windows. Some can also extract the audio from the MOV file and save it as an MP3.

If you no longer need QuickTime 7 on your PC, follow the instructions for uninstalling QuickTime 7 for Windows. All current Windows web browsers support video without the need for browser plug-ins. New versions of Windows since 2009 have included support for the key media formats, such as H.264 and AAC, that QuickTime 7 enabled.

Important: QuickTime 7 for Windows is no longer supported by Apple.