Its most satisfying moments involve switching between characters on the fly – or shrieking instructions at your partner if playing in split-screen or online co-op – in order to make it through particularly tricky or dangerous areas. Revelations 2 is at its best when it makes us use all these skills at once. Unfitgirl.COM SEXY GAMES Resident Evil Revelations 2 Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl

Moira’s flashlight is used to blind enemies and find hidden objects for Claire, and Natalia can see enemy weakpoints and crawl through tiny spaces where Barry can’t fit. Pairing off these characters does more than serve the story, though, as your companions are legitimately useful in ways that make gameplay more interesting. Each episode manages to keep its cards close enough to its chest that I was compelled to play the next one – perhaps the only justification for Revelations 2’s four-episode structure – and there’s a humour in the characters that I found refreshing. Resident Evil fan-favourite Barry Burton is back in the second timeline, joined by mysterious newcomer Natalia, a little girl whose memory harbors half-remembered secrets.

In one, reliably endearing Claire Redfield and ‘tude-filled Moira Burton – who I also liked, despite her tendency to swear for the sake of swearing – are two unlikely friends, thrust together by an evil ‘overseer’ who is keeping them captive for reasons unknown. Revelations 2’s four episodes dance between two timelines, each with its own pair of characters, to weave together a mystery that kept me hooked right up until its finale. Capcom’s horror doesn’t frighten, but as an action-adventure it’s elevated by this occasional synergy, and the excellent bonus Raid mode. Resident Evil Revelations 2 Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl Although Resident Evil Revelations 2 doesn’t recapture old glory or reach new heights for the series, it contains moments of inspiration where its action-adventure gameplay and mostly compelling mystery plot marry together beautifully. Resident Evil Revelations 2 Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl